yeah, there was another draw for the tailgate - sadly I didnt get any (i think the max was 2000 people or something), but we went to the Colchester Gladiators party which was held at a huge pub on top of the hill overlooking the stadium - it has merch tents, food and obviously lots of booze and cheerleaders! sadly only the Brit ones (not the Dolphins ones!), but it brightened up a damp day!
The official tailgate was limited as theres no public parking at Wembley (its a desingated public transport only venue), and I think they just held it 'round the back' of the stadium.
yeah, I was lucky to get tickets last year, but they werent that extortionate on Ebay, so if I fail this year, I'll be heading straight to there! I paid £65 for mine last year, which as you know was in level one, in the corner, right next to the tunnel (in fact, my seat was the top left corner of the Y in Wembley thats printed on the seats in that end zone) - this year I may try to get the top priced ones to see where they'll seat me, although to be honest I was really happy with my seats last year!